For All Time and Eternity

Well, Daryl and I found a home that we loved a week ago and put an offer in. We were in constant nervousness for 2 days waiting to see if they had accepted. But, unfortunantely they did not except. Daryl was so sad he went on a chocolate eating binge and ate a huge solid Hersey Kiss and an entire package of Cherry Cordials. Ummm... yah. So, we went out this morning to see 8 more possibilities. And we did find one that we fell in love with. So we just put in another offer and should find out on Friday if it was accepted or not. We love the area and the floor layout. It has a living and dining room with three floors and two baths on the first floor. There are some stairs off the kitchen that lead up to a huge gameroom and half bath on the second story. It also has a huge backyard. Here are some pictures of the house. We'll be in constant nervousness until Friday afternoon. We are really hoping that this one works out.

This is the front living room with the nice fireplace and mantle. This is looking from the kitchen

This is the kitchen with the nice sized cabinets and tile. On the other side of the island is a place for stools. And added onto this room is more tile and a place for the kitchen table.

These are the stairs to the second story gameroom and half bath. This is also looking from the kitchen. It has a nice sized closet underneath the stairs.

This is the nice sized backyard. Needs some work on the grass. To the left that you can't see in the picture the fence is actually brick which borders the sidewalk which is nice.

1 Comment

  1. The Miller's on January 18, 2009 at 6:19 AM

    I just want to know where the oven is....


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